HVOC only offers group classes We do not provide private training.
Classes are held every Tuesday and Wednesday evening either at 6 or 7:00 PM. All classes are held at HVOC's training grounds which are completely fenced and lighted. Classes are 7 weeks long and each class session runs 45-50 minutes. The only exception is the first session of the Puppy Class and Beginner Level 1 & 2. These classes have an optional two-hour orientation for the first class.No dogs allowed at the orientation. Please consult the schedule for exact start times for each class. Register online at the Class Registration page.
All class registration is handled online. We cannot accept early registration. Classes are opened at the date and time specified on the News box of the website home page and on the class registration welcome page.
Electonic Collars
Electronic collars (E-collars) are only allowed to be used, during class time, with the Approval of the Director of Training
Non Competition Classes
Puppy / Beginner 1 / Beginner 2 / Community Canine
The four non competition classes will only allow 1 dog per handler (family members may attend). If there is a second dog there MUST be a different handler.
Competition Classes
Novice (all levels) / Open / Utility / Rally (all levels) / Motivation / Scent Work (all levels)
Limit - only two dogs per handler
The competition classes can have no more then two dogs per handler in the same class. The two dogs will share the 45-50 minurw class spot and alternate/rotate turns. e.g. if one handler has two dogs, the handler will choose one dog for that particular exercise. The next exercise will be the other dog.
Vaccinations Requirements
Updated vaccination records for each dog entered into a class MUST be provided for DHPP/DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza and parvovirus) prior to entry onto our field.
Proof of rabies vaccination is required for any dogs over the age of 5 months.
Class payments and records are NOT transferable to other sessions.
We do accept titers.
Confirmation of Registration
Please Read
Confirmation of your registration will be sent to you automatically with a "New Order #". If you do not see this email, you either did not get into the class or the email went to your SPAM/JUNK folder. All orders can be seen in "My Account".
Please be aware, if you are in the process of completing your registration, you click the complete button and it disappears. This indicates the class you wanted filled up during the registration process.
Does the Club give refunds?
Normally there are no refunds. Class payments are not transferable to other sessions.
If your instructor feels that your dog is too aggressive for a group environment, you will be given a refund and recommendation for private instruction or behavior consultation.
How much does it cost?
Standard fee: $90 per 7-week course.
Shelter or breed Rescue dogs: $55 for first 7-week course for Puppy or Beginner 1 classes only (must have proof of adoption from valid agency).
Military Discount for Active Duty and Dependents: $55 for first 7-week course for Puppy or Beginner 1 classes only (must show Military ID Card).
Conformation Practice Ring: $5 per night.
Which class should I take?
(See descriptions and admission criteria below)
Beginning Home Obedience: Puppy Class (2-5 months), Beginner 1 and 2, and Community Canine Class. These classes all emphasize communication, control, management, problem solving, and good manners.
Competition Obedience: If you are interested in competing in AKC or UKC licensed trials, we offer Novice, Open, Utility, and Rally classes to achieve Obedience and/or Rally titles.
Class Descriptions
Puppy Class
For puppies 2 to 5 months of age. Puppies are taught simple obedience behaviors very gently. Only buckle collars are necessary. Emphasis is on socialization and increasing the puppy':s self-confidence as well as basic care and safe management of puppies.
There will be numerous short training interludes integrated within the play session. Owners will be learning how to observe, handle and train their puppies while the puppies are learning to play with other puppies and socialize with the owners.
Admission Criteria: Must be a puppy 2-5 months old. At least two sets of puppy shots are preferred. Equipment needed: buckle collar and soft treats.
Beginner Level 1
For dogs 5 to 6 months of age or older. This is the first level of classes after puppy class. Standard obedience behaviors are taught so the dog is starting to learn more acceptable behaviors when walking on a leash, greeting people and better control in the home. Understanding dog behavior and dealing with the average problems is also addressed. Download a copy of the Beginner 1 Course Summary and the weekly outline in doc format. Both the Summary and weekly outline are also available in pdf format.
Admission Criteria: No prior behaviors are required. However, if a dog is determined to be too aggressive to people or other dogs, they may be asked to leave. A refund and recommendation for private training should be given. If the dog is just a little fearful and needs gentle exposure to other dogs and people, the dog may be admitted. But caution should be exercised in approaching the dog and having him or her too close to other dogs.
Beginner Level 2
Emphasis is on developing more reliable responses to obedience commands under more distracting circumstances. This class could be for owners who want a more reliable, confident dog that would be safe in most situations. A well-mannered, obedient companion is the goal of this class. Graduates may take the Canine Good Citizen exam after successfully completing the course.

Class meetings: This class will consist of 7 action-packed weeks of instruction, and class members may participate in the CGC test given on a Saturday morning following the completion of the Beginner II term.
Admission Criteria: Students who have received approval from their HVOC Beginner 1 instructors are eligible. Applicants who have taken a beginner obedience class outside of HVOC may ask to be reviewed for eligibility on the first night of class. General admission criteria are a dog that can walk nicely on a leash and respond to verbal commands to sit, down, come and stay without excessive physical manipulation. If the dog does not meet these criteria, then Beginner 1 might be more appropriate. Note: Any applicants who have not previously attended the two-hour orientation class for the Beginner 1 and Puppy class are encouraged to attend this class before enrolling in the Beginner 2 class.
Community Canine Class
Focuses on increased socialization with other dogs and people, confidence building, and creating a stronger bond between dog and handler. The curriculum will be based upon the requirements of the AKC Community Canine Program which is the Advanced Canine Good Citizen Title. The goal is to increase the dog's skills in a more natural setting, rather than a controlled ring or training facility to earn the CC title. Different approaches will be explored in the teaching process, tricks, games, a neighborhood walk and a more reliable recall. Upon completion of the course, dog-handler teams will have the opportunity to be evaluated for the AKC Community Canine title. This will take place either on the training field or at an off-site location.
Prerequisite: Dogs who have a CGC certificate or have successfully passed HVOC's Beginner 2 class.
Sub-Novice Basic Skills - alternates every other session with Heeling
The foundation class for the competitive obedience and Rally classes for the beginning competition dog and handler. Focus is on basic competition skills for prompt, attentive and technically correct response to the obedience command for correct Heel position, Finish, Stay, Stand for Exam, Front (Recall), and Back (for Rally).
Admission Criteria: Most dogs successfully completing a Beginner 2 class may be eligible for this class. Dogs should be mature and calm enough in a group setting to focus and learn some of the more advanced skills. Dogs should be able to respond to the owners verbal commands to sit, down and come without needing excessive physical manipulations, and can walk with the owner under reasonable control. This class is for the owner interested in competition.
Sub-Novice: Heeling - alternates every other session with Basic
The foundation class for the competitive obedience and Rally classes for the beginning competition dog and handler. Focus is on Heeling with prompt, attentive, and technically correct response for correct position of both handler and dog at various handler spped, urns, and pivots including appropriate footwork for the handler.
Admission Criteria: Most dogs successfully completing a Beginner 2 class may be eligible for this class. Dogs should be mature and calm enough in a group setting to focus and learn some of the more advanced skills. Dogs should be able to respond to the owners verbal commands to sit, down and come without needing excessive physical manipulations, and can walk with the owner under reasonable control. This class is for the owner interested in competition.
Beginning/Intermediate Novice
All ring procedures for the Novice class are practiced. Emphasis is on attention and reliability.
Admission Criteria: This is for dogs who have successfully completed Subnovice or can demonstrate that they can:
- Heel on leash with reasonable attention doing standard heel patterns including change of pace and all the turns and sit promptly at all halts.
- Respond promptly to all commands to sit, down, back, finish and come regardless of the position of the handler.
- Heel on leash in a 30 feet circle without food or toys.
- Maintain a solid stand stay on leash while being examined by another person without feet movement or change in position.
- Maintain a sit stay for 2 minutes and down stay for 3 minutes with mild distractions present.
Advanced Novice
(Ring prep)
All ring procedures and rules for Novice are practiced.
Emphasis is on preparing dog and handler to compete at the Novice level.
Admission Criteria: This is for dogs who have successfully completed Novice or can demonstrate that they can:
- Heel off leash with attention doing standard heeling pattern without food or toys.
- Respond promptly to all commands; heel, sit, down, stay, come.
- Maintain a solid stand stay off leash while being examined.
- Maintain a sit and down stay with reasonable distractions.
Rally Obedience
AKC Rally® is all about teamwork. You and your dog navigate a course together, side-by-side, at your own brisk pace through a course with signs directing different exercises. The courses are designed by the Rally judge (10-20 signs per course, depending on the class level) that include various turns and commands such as sit, down, stay, etc.
Rally Novice (on leash):
Dogs entering should be mature and calm enough in a group setting to focus and learn some of the more advanced skills. Dogs should be able to respond to the owner's verbal commands to sit, down and come without needing physical manipulations, and can walk with the owner under reasonable control.
Admission Criteria: This is for dog and handler who have successfully completed two consecutive Sub-Novice Class, MUST have instructor's approval and can demonstrate that they can:
- Respond to a come command and sit somewhere near front position.
- Stand, sit and down with the owner at the dog':s side.
- Do one of the finishes, even if not perfectly.
- Heel reasonably well at owners side.
- Pivot both left and right while dog maintains heel position.
- Heel backwards several steps maintaining heel position.
Rally Intermediate/Advance (on leash):
Teaches skills to compete in Rally Intermediate. This class is on leash and will not have jumps.
Admission Criteria: For dogs passing Rally Novice with instructor's approval or with Rally Intermediate/Advanced instructor's approval after evaluation. Must be able to demonstrate:
- Respond promptly to all commands; heel, sit, down, stay, come.
- Heel on a loose leash.
- Proficient with the Rally Novice signs.
- Have at least one or more legs in Rally Novice or the Rally Novice title.
Rally Advanced/Excellent (off leash)
Teaches skills to compete in Rally Advance/Excellent. Rally Master signs may be introduced during the session.
Admission Criteria: For dogs passing Rally Intermediate/Advance with instructor's approval or with Rally Advanced/Excellent instructor's approval after evaluation. Must be able to demonstrate:
- Respond promptly to all commands; heel, sit, down, stay, come.
- Heel on a loose leash and must be able to heel off leash.
- Proficient with the Rally Novice and Advance signs.
- Have at least one or more legs in Rally Intermediate, Rally Advanced or the Rally Intermediate title.
Master Rally (intermittently offered):
Teaches skills to compete at the Master Rally level.
Admission Criteria: For dogs passing Advanced/Excellent Rally or with the instructor's approval after evaluation. Must be able to demonstrate:
- Respond promptly to all commands; heel, sit, down, stay, come.
- Heel on a loose leash
- Have at least one or more legs in Rally Advanced or Excellent or have the Rally Advance or Excellent title.
Beginning Open
Foundation exercises for AKC Obedience Open class are taught, such as the retrieve, jumping, and drop on recall. Dogs may advance to the regular Open class once they are starting to do the individual behaviors required for those rings.
Admission Criteria: Must have successfully completed the Novice class or with instructor's approval and be under control off-leash.
All the standard exercises for the AKC Obedience Open class are practiced. Dogs should be able to do simple retrieves and jumping for entry into class. Emphasis is on reliability regardless of distractions.
Admission Criteria: All the standard exercises for the Open class are practiced. Emphasis is on reliability regardless of distractions. Dog must have successfully completed the Beginning Open class or have instructor':s permission.
- Reliably do all the Novice exercises off leash.
- Retrieve a thrown dumbbell 10 feet without distractions.
- Do a moving drop on recall without distractions.
- Jump over a high jump holding a dumbbell and return to the handler.
- Jump over a broad jump without distractions.
- Do an out of sight long sit and down for at least 1 minute.
All the standard exercises for the AKC Obedience Utility class are practiced. Dogs should have some of the utility foundation exercises for entry into this class. Emphasis is on reliability with varying circumstances.
Admission Criteria: This is for dogs who have successfully completed the Open class or can demonstrate that they can do all of the Open exercises off leash. Even if unreliable, they should also be able to attempt do most of the utility exercises without distractions.
Introduction to Motivation
This class teaches the basics of motivation, the importance of orientation, and the skill of interactive food rewards. Emphasis is placed on the use of movement to build drive, and the effective use of hand targets. The goals of this class are to increase drive for the reward, promote attention to the handler, and develop better teamwork.
Advanced Motivation
This class uses the skills learned in the Introductory class, and applies them to various training scenarios. Distractions, ring entrances, judge approach pressure, fronts, and heeling are all topics that will be addressed. Each session of this class will have a special emphasis on a particular aspect of ring performance.
Prerequisite The Introduction class is a prerequisite, unless granted permission by the instructor.
Beginner Scent Work
This is a foundation class for dogs who are new to scent work. The class focus is to build value on essential oil odor (Birch will be the only essential oil used.) The exercises used will emphasize the importance of building drive and staying at the odor source.
Advanced Scent Work
This is for dogs who know to search and indicate the location of an odor, or dogs that have successfully completed the Novice Scent Work Class. The focus will be on odor indication and conflicting odor separation tasks (more than one essential oil will be used in searches).
Admission Criteria: Completed Novice Scent work or can search & indicate location of an order
Conformation Ring Prep
This is an ongoing practice class for the conformation ring. It is available weekly on a drop-in basis for a $5.00 fee, CASH ONLY, each Tuesday night during regular sessions, starting at 6 PM. No checks Accepted. Change for cash may not be available.
While very limited instruction is provided, participants are able to hone their conformation handling skills by gaiting, stacking, and having their dogs examined in a conformation ring setting by professional handlers, successful exhibitors, and judges.
Each participant may be asked to help with "going over" or evaluating other exhibitors' dogs to attain generalized familiarity of a variety of different people for the dog or puppy. It is not a requirement for those who may not be comfortable.
Please text Alan Gunther at 760-586-9108 if you have any questions or are interested to attend. Indicating that you plan to attend will be appreciated.
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Policy Regarding Children on Training Grounds
Due to the potential for injury, no children under 10 years of age can be on HVOC':s training grounds without supervision and permission from the instructor of the class. A parent is the primary trainer in class in the Puppy and Beginner 1 class. If children do accompany a parent and get permission of the instructor, they must sit quietly by the fence and not be disruptive to other dogs and classes.
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Please check the schedule for the times and dates for upcoming classes.
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